Hong Kong Insurance Brokers

Qianhai Wealth Management Limited / 前海理財有限公司

C.E. name
Luk Simon / 陸東全
Flat 3H, 3/F, Tung Kin Factory Building, 196-202 Tsat Tsz Mui Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Correspondence address
2105 9600
info (at) qianhai-wealth.com
Lines of business
Long Term (include LLT) & General

1 Registered staff

Reg. no Name Capacity Lines of business
Luk Simon / 陸東全
Chief Executive
Long Term (include LLT) & General

Note: We are currently unable to list the technical representatives of brokers that are members of PIBA.
For finding information about a particular person, please refer to the public register on the PIBA website.
